Vienna: Self Guided Walking Tour 2015-02-20 21-09-53

I love planning and I love making maps. So one of the things I always do before every trip is to read up as much as I can and list out a handful of things I want to see or do while touring the city.  Then I go into Google Maps and create my very own personalized walking tour. Vienna is such a beautiful city, rich with history, and filled with culture and grand architecture. I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 places to visit while in Vienna.  Most of the places are within the Ringstrasse, the main tourist area of Vienna.  The whole city of Vienna is quite big, but the core area is definitely walkable.  It took us two and a half days to visit all these sites. Our hotel was right across from the opera house, so we started from there and followed the path to see the notable sights.  Hopefully this will give you an idea of what to do when you’re planning your own trip.

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