Photo of the Week: Majestic

IMG_1884 Yosemite National Park, USA

This photo was taken from Glacier Point of the majestic Yosemite National Park.  It’s no secret that I love aerial views.   I’ve always wanted to see every place from above, so that’s why I am excited to to finally get a drone.  I’ve thought about this for along time, but never taken the plunge, until now.  I am so excited to try it out when we’re in Scotland.

Every week, I’ll share a photo with you from my adventures around the world and at home.  Most of my photos have little or no post processing.  If you would like to see more, please click the ‘Follow’ button.

Photo of the Week: Frozen

IMG_2981Vancouver, Canada

After getting off a red-eye and having four hours of sleep, we decided to head to Squamish to attempt the epic 18 km uphill hike to Garibaldi Lake.  Even though it’s warm, the lake was still semi-frozen.

We were less than prepared for the strenuous hike.  Thank God we didn’t run into a bear.

Every week, I’ll share a photo with you from my adventures around the world and at home.  Most of my photos have little or no post processing.  If you would like to see more, please click the ‘Follow’ button.

Photo of the Week: Canoe

IMG_8918Hartcourt, Canada

Last week signaled the end of summer, but I am not ready to let it go just yet.  Before I officially say good bye to warm summer nights, walks by the beach, and of course smelly subway stations, I wanted to share this photo of one of my fondest memories of this summer.  Our family got together and rented a cottage by Lake Miskwabi where we spent a few blissful days eating, swimming, and exploring. Spending time with the people I love in such an idyllic setting is the epitome of the perfect summer.  Now I am ready to welcome Fall with her brisk breezes and lovely colors.

Every week, I’ll share a photo with you from my adventures around the world and at home.  Most of my photos have little or no post processing.  If you would like to see more, please click the Follow button.

Photo Essay: Serengeti



I’ve been dragging my feet on this article because of the holiday season, and also because I was too busy stuffing my face.  I am making up for it with a very long post! Without further ado, here are the photos from our second and third day in Africa, where we headed into the endless plain of the Serengeti, a massive wildlife park that spans across 12,000 square feet extending from northern Tanzania into Southern Kenya (that’s about the size of Maryland or Belgium if you’re interested).  In the Serengeti we got to experience the migration of the wildebeest, witness the feast of the lions, and appreciate nature in it’s rawest form – where predators and prey fight for daily survival.
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Photo Essay: Tarangire


We are finally back after a whirlwind two and a half week trip around Myanmar, with stopovers in Hong Kong and Bangkok.  Now it’s back to the daily grind, and of course catching up with my blogging.  For the next few posts, I’ve decided to forgo the usual format and share our experience and pictures from Tanzania in a photo essay – because that’s the only way to do it justice. Continue reading

Photo of the Week: Reptilian

IMG_0618Playa Conchal, Costa Rica

We were sitting on our balcony in Costa Rica,  when we were surprised by some movement in the grass and saw this guy come out to sun himself.  Iguanas are indigenous to this region and they tend to congregate together.  Did you know that a group of iguanas are called a slaughter?  Me neither, had to look that one up.  Iguanas are cold-blooded lizards, so it’s not unusual to see them come out during the day to warm up under the blazing sun.  Sitting there with its green-hued scales and prickly spines, this one reminded me of a dragon.

Every week, I’ll share a photo with you from my adventures around the world and at home.  Most of my photos have little or no post processing.  If you would like to see more, please click the Follow button.

Day 2-3: On the Road in Serengeti


The endless plain of Serengeti is filled with wildlife.  After spending a few days camping in the national park, we saw everything from gazelles to cheetah.  One of my personal favorites was witnessing a pride of lions tearing into their kill.  We were about 10 feet away from the scene, where the lioness were fighting over the last piece of the zebra, leaving nothing behind but the rib cage.  Nothing is more primal than watching one animal tear into another.

Cairns: Port Douglas


In Australia, the more north you go, the hotter and more humid it gets.  Getting off the plane in Carins, we were immediately hit by a wave of thick hot air that just stuck to your skin and soaked your shirt. Our destination was a sleepy beach town near Cairns with a local population of less than 5,000 people.  Port Douglas has long been considered one the best towns in Australia, with it’s proximity to the Daintree rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef.  When we were there in December, it was during the off-season and the town was empty, so it was a perfect place to relax and rejuvenate.

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California: Yosemite National Park


View of half dome from Glacier Point

A few weeks ago, while we were on the West Coast, we decided to rent a car and drive to Yosemite. It’s been awhile since we did a road trip in North America. We used to drive all the time to Canada, but due to the time constraints and cheap airfares, we end up flying for the most part now. I love road trips because I get to be the navigator. It’s very satisfying when you can figure out how to get from point A to point B. Mind you, it’s not too hard to do that here, but in a foreign country without a GPS, it’s a lot more fun.

Yosemite different from any park I’ve been to. For one thing, it’s massive, driving from one gate to another can take up to two hours. The scenery is breathtaking, from the majestic redwoods to the sheer cliffs at Taft’s point. Everywhere we looked, we were reminded that nature is magnificent and beautiful and we are a small speck in the grand scheme of things.

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Places I Want to Go: Wave Canyon


Photo Credits: Mateusz Pitak [via]

Susan Sontag said it best when she said “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list“. And one of the places on my list is Wave Canyon, located near the Utah-Arizona border in Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona. This sandstone rock formation looks so surreal and out of this world, it’s not hard to imagine it as a backdrop in a sci-fi movie. From the vibrant colors to the fluid lines, this place is a photographer’s dream. It is worthy to note that access to the hike is difficult to obtain, so if you want to go, make sure you plan ahead.